Emmanuel Contassot

Our skin is a barrier that effectively protects us from environmental insults such as ultraviolet radiation, chemicals or infectious agents.
This physical barrier is complemented by the ability of skin immune cells and keratinocytes to generate various immune responses ranging from slight inflammation to masive, life-threatening detachment of the epidermis. Indeed, in certain situations and/or certains individuals, these immune reactions – triggered by sometimes unknown factors – are poorly controlled, leading, therefore, to pathological situations of various severity.
The aim of our research is to understand and better characterize the molecular events leading to pathological inflammatory responses in the skin. We are particularly interested in the mechanisms involved in: (i) the immune responses involved in cutaneous adverse drug reactions induced by drugs (e.g. Acute Generalized Exanthematous Pustulosis and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis) or by anti-tumor targeted therapies; (ii) the regulation of inflammatory keratinocyte death in psoriasiform diseases and; (iii) the role of CARD14 variants in psoriasis.
Title: Role of innate immunity in cutaneous adverse drug reactions.
Keywords: Innate immunity; toxic epidermal necrolysis; IL-1 family; adverse reaction